Enchanting location for an exclusive wedding in Verona!
Below there are a few photos from the photo shoot done along with LORENZO POLI.
For privacy reasons related to the couple’s jobs, I can’t post the complete photo shoot, as I usally do. However, I have the permission to show a limited selection of photos from this marvellous wedding in my blog!
The entire wedding, from the preparation to the fireworks, has been organized in the fascinating location of Amistà – Byblos Art Hotel in Verona.
The wonderful villa is in the heart of Valpolicella and it is surrounded by a lovely park with fountains and flowery gardens. Moreover, the Villa hosts a modern art exhibition!
The wedding has been planned by “Your Perfect Wedding” from Zurich”. Eveline and Milena did a fantastic job!
Wedding planner: Your Perfetc Day
Location: Byblos Art Hotel
Allestimenti:Â Patrizia Di Braida
Wedding video: Riccardo Lavezzo